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Ave-Marias: Latin name for the "Hail Mary" prayer in Catholicism.
Dulces: Candy or sweets.
Metate: A mortar used for grinding grains and seeds.
Pater-nosters: Latin name for the "Our Father" prayer in Catholicism.
Come to Me My Melancholy Baby: Popular song produced in 1912; appropriate with its references to "silver linings," since the men try to make the best of a violent situation thinking that taking a terrible beating will ultimately benefit the Communist Party.
Lucky Strike: Brand of American cigarettes originating in 1871.
Peajacket: Also known as a pea-coat, or a double-breasted wool coat with broad lapels and often having large wooden buttons. Term can be used generally for any jacket made from pea-cloth, or dark blue, heavy wool.
Radicals/Reds: Colloquial terms for Communists derived from the Communist Party's red flag.
"Religion is the opium of the people": An oft-quoted phrase from Karl Marx first appearing in 1843 in his introduction to his Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was an 18th-Century German philosopher attributed with being one of the originators of the philosophy known as German Idealism.